Wythall in Winter

Wythall is a beautiful village and we want to celebrate that here on the Wythall News. Each week will be sharing an array of beautiful pictures of various places in Wythall.

We will continue this throughout each season and hopefully at the turn of a new year we will have a large collection of photographs documenting different places in the village.

This will be something we can use to see how the village grows and develops as changes come.

To kickstart this we are going to be sharing pictures our founders Rachel and Leigh have taken this winter, enjoy!

A sunset over houses in Wythall
 Dog walking on the top of May Lane.

A sunrise over a field in Wythall
 Just by Whitlocks End train station on an early morning commute.

Sunset on Shawhurst Lane
 Beautiful sunset on Shawhurst Lane.

Sunset on Houndsfield Lane
 Another beautiful sunset on Houndsfield Lane.

Baccabox Lane in the sun

Afternoon dog walk on Baccabox lane. 

So each week don't be afraid to share you pictures! Either contact us on our Facebook page - Wythall News - on the 'Contact Us' section of the website or our social media linked to the side of the website.

Happy picture taking!
